Once, you were afraid of living a life that was too specific.
There was fear behind everything that made your life detailed and unique.
There was fear in living a specific life, one that was wholly and unarguably yours.
There was fear keeping your life untouched-
a shapeless mound of clay,
just like everyone else's.
Until you couldn't tell them apart one from another.
There was fear.
Yet, you are no longer afraid of living a life that is too specific.
There is joy now.
There is deep joy where your hands meet your life,
shaping it exactly as you desire.
Specifically, for your own.
There is joy in all the things that are specifically you.
There is beauty now.
There is beauty in the shape of your nose, the curves of your body.
All of it uniquely you.
Wholly and Unarguably.
But that's the thing.
You don't try to argue anymore.
There is beauty on and in you.
And you don't try to argue anymore.
There is beauty in your own experiences
your struggle and your triumph.
And you don't try to argue anymore.
There is beauty in your movements.
The raising of your eyebrows
The swing of your hips
The way your foot sounds hitting the ground when you walk
when you run
when you dance.
And you don't try to argue anymore.
Now, you cling to the details, the specifics of your life.
I realize those specifications make life worth doing in the first place.