I never feel anymore
I never taste anymore
I never smell anymore
I never listen anymore
I never see anymore
I mean,
I touch, but I don’t feel
I eat but I don’t taste
I sniff but I do not smell
I hear but I cannot seem to listen
I look but I do not see
I use my hands,
I use my mouth,
I use my nose,
my ears,
but only partly.
I’ve forgotten to pay attention.
Well, I say I’ve forgotten
but I don’t know if there was ever a time when I truly experienced the world
and deeply
in every
of the word.
I’ve simply forgotten.
For my hands still feel the heat under your skin as they move along your body
My mouth still knows the sensation of a decadent dessert, a savory meal, full of flavor
your kisses
My nose still flares at the scent of lavender, ylang ylang, sweat
My ears still hear the sounds of songs my brain has kept all the words to safely tucked away, knowing I would need them again.
My eyes stare deep into yours, my eyes dart quickly trying to take it all in and tears still fall
I’ve simply forgotten to notice.
I'd like to remember.