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  • Writer's pictureAMV

literal geese

There is a moment in the night when the geese are still.

This is not a metaphor.

I’m talking about literal geese here.

There is a moment in the night when the people do not notice how the geese have become a part of the earth. How they decide, all at once to be still.

to call it a night

in their own goose way.

just a ripple disrupts their peace

but they return.

only I will witness it.

but my witness is not what makes it happen

I forget that

I do not understand.

I do not need to.

and the momma says be quiet little one

it is time for sleep.

and they learn

and they, like the rest,

become the water,

the darkness,

the night.

they are the earth

like you.

only you have forgotten.

they have not.


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