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  • Writer's pictureAMV


So, the other day you were meditating

and you realized that you were holding yourself up.

You were actively holding yourself off the ground.

They tell you that Gravity will keep you on the ground if you let Her.

But you are afraid.

You have never fully trusted your body to Gravity.

Gravity, She is reckless and dangerous and strong and unapologetic.

And you are afraid.

To give yourself over to Her so completely.

So, you do not.

You do not know if you ever truly have.

Or if you ever will.

So, you hover.

And you exist an inch above the ground.

And every muscle in your body lifts you up.

An infinitesimal amount.

Looking at you, no one would know.

But you know.

And She knows.

It is exhausting living an inch above the ground.

An infinitesimal amount.

To always be holding yourself.

To never trust enough to let anyone else,

let alone Her,

hold you.





You resist Her and you resist Her and you resist.

Let Her hold you.


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