It is too easy to forget how I am as much a part of the earth
as every other living thing is.
The sun opens my eyes.
the air fills my lungs.
I am awake
I am alive
more than I was before.
the same way the flowers turn, ever so slightly towards the sun,
as do I.
there is something about being small
under the clear blue sky that
feels like life,
like living exactly as you were meant to.
like you are as solid as the ground below your feet
and as endless as the clouds,
moving rapidly in the wind above.
curious, isn’t it, the same wind pushes the clouds across the earth,
yet you are immovable.
density, I guess.
doesn’t an open field make you feel like there is more
like if you are really paying attention here, you might learn something about yourself
that you didn’t know before,
all because you forgot that
you are the earth as much as anything.