What if we used this moment in history to eradicate the word,
the concept of "NORMAL".
It's alarming, yes?
No, but seriously, just hear me out.
What if emerging on the other side of a pandemic
wasn’t so hard because we weren’t trying
to get back to a NORMAL,
but rather, we were just trying to be where we are.
What if we stopped othering
by discontinuing NORMAL.
if there is no NORMAL there is no ABNORMAL
there only is.
there only is.
And what if denying the concept of NORMAL,
What if it releases us, liberates us from the constructs telling us
how to,
who to be.
And what if we are better for it.
And what if we start striving for a higher purpose
because we are not so hellbent on being NORMAL anymore.
And what if the way that we choose to be,
with this new absence of NORMAL,
sets the stage for generations of liberation, empowerment, opportunity.
What if we stop trying to be NORMAL, and we just tried to be.
We are not so good at that,
but now we can be
if we want to be
we can be
we can be
we are.
Feel and see and know that the weight of NORMAL -and damn has it always been so heavy?- is lifted from our beings.
What if we stand taller,
what if we feel more deeply,
what if we change the things that are problematic in our society,
because we are no longer afraid of messing up our precious NORMALCY.
a word, a concept that points out the absurdity of the illusion of NORMAL
The words themselves become obsolete.
Until the dictionary doesn’t even include them any more
Until NORMAL is just another word
another word
that used to mean something.
lost in the vastness of time, history.
Incapable of withstanding a generation of people that simply chose
not to be it.
(What if it was that easy to escape?)
A people unwilling to settle for
less than what they could do,
could be.
less than what they are.
impossibly, utterly, unapologetically