I am innately worthy of love (not because of what I have done or how I look).
I am strong and my tears do not equal weakness.
I am not wrong just because others have a different perspective than I do.
I can trust the people in my life.
I am allowed to make choices for myself without feeling the need to
justify myself to others.
I am allowed to rest and play.
I am brave enough to be new at things and to learn.
I can treat my body with care and love and respect.
I find joy regardless of my circumstances.
I can be present to my life in many different ways,
I can acknowledge my feelings without judgement.
I can think critically without being too critical.
I have a sense of curiosity about all that I do not know yet.
I am thoughtful and seek meaningful conversations.
I belong to me.
I am a deeply feeling person and that is beautiful.
I am not my possessions and I am not controlled by my possessions.
I am not defined by other people's opinions of me.
I am smart and funny and kind and so much more (but not necessarily more so than anybody else).
I enjoy the company of others and others enjoy my company too.